Ten Reader Submitted Questions About Blogging

The following ten questions have been asked by Studio|chris readers over the past few months.

Blogger, Blogsome, Blogspot or WordPress.com? What is the difference in them?

As professionals, the differences in the above do not matter because they all impose limitations on the type of content you can post without fear of your blog being deleted for misuse. As free blog hosts, the terms of all of these do not allow for selling work directly on your blog. The alternative is to use WordPress or any other blogging software installed on your own web server. This removes all the limitations, and you can use the software for absolutely anything you want to, including all of the features of the free blog hosts and adding in the ability to add plugins for more functionality, sell your work, and customize to your heart’s content!

If I have a website, why do I need a blog too?

Blogs are constantly growing as a way to get the word out about your art and what you do. Businesses are taking advantage of this wave of popularity and are using blogs for a number of reasons. To name just a few: a blog can help add a personal side to your business which can help build customer relationships, improve the customer experience, help establish you as an expert in your field, open your site to new search engines, tap into a user base of billions of people, make regular search engines visit your site more often for updates, and give you an easy platform to publish content (even outside of the blog area!). Even with those few, having a blog is worth more than its virtual weight in gold!

No one ever comments on my blog. Am I wasting my time?

Comments are only one part of a blog. Just because no one is commenting doesn’t mean people aren’t reading and taking notice. Regardless of comments, having a blog also opens up a whole new world of search engines – blog searches which may bring more visitors to your site and may help increase sales! As an artist, you should give as many people as possible the chance to see your work, even if they don’t make comments in the blog.

What is “hosting”?

Hosting is simply access to a web server that connects your website to the world wide web. A host will hold all of your website’s files, website software, images, email and more and make them accessible to users of the web. Without some sort of hosting, it is impossible to have a website or a blog. Some hosts are free, but generally place ads on your site, may not allow you to have your own domain name (both of which does not look very professional). Free hosts may also have extreme limits on the type of content that may be published. Look for a paid host that will allow you the flexibility to use your website to the highest potential in your marketing efforts.  

What is Windows Live Writer and why do I need it?

Windows Live Writer is a fully featured, free, blog publishing tool offered by Microsoft that allows offline blogging! If you’re ever in a situation where the internet isn’t available, but have a great idea for a blog post, fire up Windows Live Writer and write your blog post completely (or partially) and save a draft to your computer. When the internet becomes available, open the post and click one button to publish it to your blog instantly! Offline blogging isn’t the only plus though, it makes content publishing super easy! You can keep an unlimited number of drafts, add media, and more! Adobe Contribute CS3 is an alternative, though is not free software.

Can I sell things from my blog?

As long as your blog isn’t hosted by one of the free blog providers that prohibit selling through its User Agreement, you can do absolutely anything you want with your blog. Selling can be accomplished through links to your own e-commerce site, PayPal buttons, or any method you choose.

What are links and why do I need them on my blog?

Links are clickable hotspots on a website that transfer the user to a different website. You need them on your website because search engines, like human users, will follow links to help categorize your site, and as a result, your site may show up in search results. Links to your site on other sites are also important. They can help build credibility and give different users another opportunity to find your work.

I have tons and tons of pictures on my blog and Google never lists me, why is that?

Search engine spiders are programmed to read text, not images. Make sure your blog includes text so that the search engines can actually read through your blog just as people would. Of course, do not stop posting your images along with the text. While search engines can’t see them, your human readers will still appreciate them!

Does it matter if I have a MAC or PC to blog? Is one easier than the other?

MAC or PC, it doesn’t matter.  Blogs are controlled through web interfaces, so they are exactly the same on both platforms!

It would be so much easier if someone could set up my blog for me in person and teach me how to use it. I can’t understand all the information on the internet and need to shown. Are there any blogging classes I can take?

You’re in luck! Studio|chris offers complete blog setup and customization for your business needs using the WordPress platform all year round, taking away all of the frustration of having to learn how to do the technical setup and customization. From there, the platform is easy to use to control your entire website, even outside of the blog if you wish. Contact Chris for more details.

Also, later this year, Chris will be teaming up with Marilyn Sholin to give a wonderful blogging and online marketing workshops in Asheville, NC. If you’re interested in attending, contact Chris or Marilyn to be placed on the waiting list for the next one to be announced.