Painting a Waterfall with Photographic Inspiration

Photo-painting can be a great way to enhance landscape photography and turn it into something more than just another snapshot.
Scramble the photo with Corel Painter’s Auto-Painting feature to create a randomized underpainting. The goal of this step is to get rid of any trace of the photo underneath.
Use a variety of stroke types, brush types, and brush sizes to enhance the randomness of the underpainting.

Smudge & Block-in
Blend and smudge the underpainting with Palette Knife brushes. Follow the shapes from the photo to begin defining them in brush strokes. Pick colors from the canvas to begin simplifying the photographic color.

Bring Back and Invent Details
With the simplified base, begin adding details back into the painting by sharpening edges and adding textures. Feel free to stray from the photo and follow your own inspiration.

Foliage & Adjustments
Add texture to the foliage and trees using brushes with Jitter and randomness. Use a variety of shades, tints, and hues chosen from the canvas.
Make color adjustments as needed.

More Detail
Continue adding details and bringing back features from the original photo, either painting by hand or by cloning.

Filling the Gaps

Final Adjustments
One last color correction should do it!