I started this sketch of a stylized petri dish a few months ago in my sketchbook, and yesterday, I was inspired to add some color. My first thoughts were to go with a muted color scheme in yellows, browns, and greens, but as I started adding ink to the page, the idea evolved into something different and much more colorful.
Hues shift around the image to show subtle mutations occurring as the microorganisms divide and the colonies grow.

Earlier this week, I was inspired by Microbe Art Walk (and #MicrobeArtWalk on Twitter) to draw something small. It started with shapes and a color palette derived from diatoms and grew from there.

Eric Meyer launched a redesign of his site a few days ago. The design is inspired by Hamonshu, Vols. 1-3, a Japanese book of wave and ripple designs, published in 1903. In his post, he talks about his inspirations and design process. The final result is beautiful with lots of small details and touches.
As a follow-up, he also posted his method to add pseudo-random illustrations with CSS as separators between entries on the site.