Digital Art Academy Registration Now OPEN!
January 18, 2008

Go sign up for your courses now! During this first session, I’ll be teaching Illustrator I, which is a primer for Adobe Illustrator. Being the graphics industry’s standard in the field of vector editing, knowing this application is a must for all serious graphic artists and designers. Don’t miss it! At $32, and all the information packed into this course, it can’t be beat.
How do I sign up for a course?
- First register at DAA to create your general user account. Your information is private and will not be sold or shared with anyone. DAA takes your privacy very seriously.
- After you have registered, sign in and find the class you are interested in joining.
- If the class is open for registration you will see a PayPal icon located towards the bottom of the page. Simply click on it to enroll into that class.
General Information:
Take some time to read the Student Fact sheet located on the front page. It will get you off to a great start at DAA. You may also register and enroll in more than one class at a time. DAA’s website will keep track of all of your class information for you!