
It was a beautifully clear day for the view. The mountain on the horizon is Mount Diablo, a 45 mile drive from where the photo was taken.

As the boyfriend constantly reminds me, there’s no money to be made in bird portraiture. I like taking them anyway.

The clouds this evening were the most fascinating I’ve ever seen. What a difference 4 minutes makes during sunset!

… or at least the clouds are. I’ve never seen anything quite like this before.

That sex scene in sense8, season 2… This was the view. In a couple of the panning shots, you can see the spires of St. Paul’s Catholic Church.

In the middle of nowhere in South Carolina, people have yards, so parks aren’t often as important as they are in the city.
I’ve visited a lot over the past few years and have lived here a few months, and I still have a sense of wonder over the parks in San Francisco. I love coming to Dolores Park on a nice day to see people enjoying the sunshine — and the dogs are the best.

Summer (or almost Summer) in San Francisco. Karl is a daily visitor.