Corel Painter Magazine

Shadow, my sister’s cat painted earlier this year, makes an appearance as a full page print in the current issue of Painter Magazine‘s Painter Showcase along with some information on Digital Art Academy!

As promised on Twitter! At the request of Karen Bonaker and Painter Magazine, I created this painting of my [sister’s] cat, Shadow. I think this is a good painting to kick off 2008.

Issue 11 of Corel Painter Magazine has been released at their website! These issues usually sell out quick, so go grab your copy while they’re available. To give the answer to my Sneak Peek, Carrie was correct! Go read her comment in the sneak peek’s post to see the answer.
I just wrapped up the next Q&A (Art Class) section for Issue 11 of Corel Painter Official Magazine by Imagine Publishing, Ltd. Again, I don’t want to give out all of the questions, but here is the completed image for one of the questions. Be on the lookout for the issue to premier at the Painter Magazine website!
Can you guess what the question was?

Issue 10 of the Official Corel Painter Magazine is up for sale on their website today! Grab yours before they’re gone. For those of you who may have missed the sneak peek for this Issue’s “Art Class (Q&A)” section, go check it out!
I’ll also have a sneak peek for Issue 11 posted very soon. Keep your eyes on this space!

Issue 9 of the Official Corel Painter Magazine is listed as “on sale” at the Painter Magazine site. I ordered mine; have you ordered yours?
I just wrapped up the Q&A section for Issue 10 of Corel Painter Official Magazine by Imagine Publishing, Ltd. I can’t give away much, but the questions have great variety, and I’m sure there’ll be a little something for everyone. Be on the lookout for the issue to premier at the Painter Magazine website!
Here’s your sneak peek:

Anything on this page look familiar?
Premiering today to international audiences, Corel Painter Official Magazine, Issue 8, published by Imagine Publishing, Ltd. in the UK ran a feature on Paint Outside the Frame, a great forum on digital painting where I’m a member. Along with information on the forum, Painter Magazine (for short) also published a selection of art from the members of the forum, and “Pink Calla Lilies” was one of the chosen few! Also featured with the article are Carrie Woeck, Marilyn Sholin, Michael D., and Alan D. Any of you interested in digital painting and learning how to paint digitally, go check out the forum. More information can be found on Marilyn’s blog.
Also in this issue, Corel Painter Master Marilyn Sholin and I team up to tackle the Q&A section of the magazine. Issues haven’t arrived in the US yet, but should be very soon!