Corel Painter Magazine

Painted for Corel Painter Magazine by Imagine Publishing.

Here’s another digital painting study, this time using Corel Painter X instead of Photoshop. Painter is amazing in the way that some of its prebuilt brushes are capable of producing the look of traditional paint (coined “natural media” by Corel). Going against this concept, I used one of the brushes that I thought wouldn’t be a good match for natural media. The “brush” itself is nothing more than a gradient. The sample above is a sampling of “strokes” painted with the Tubism brush. Notice it is nothing really spectacular, like I said, just a gradient. Who would think that this simple brush could be used to create a painting that is reminiscent of traditional oil paint? It certainly is possible, and just goes to prove: It isn’t the tool that makes great art, but how you use that tool.

UPDATE: Featured in the Official Corel Painter Magazine, Issue 8!

I always forget how much I enjoy this sketch. I should come back to it and work on it someday.
This was featured in Issue 10 of Corel Painter Magazine.