
Following my article on loading OpenX ads in Adobe AIR applications, I’ve written a very simple class to make it a little easier. This should be able to load in both image and HTML/text based banners with no problem.

For AIR applications that have access to an internet connections, delivering ads via OpenX is very easy with just a little code. For this basic implementation, we’ll use AIR’s built-in WebKit browser, which accepts JavaScript delivery perfectly, by using an instance of the HTMLLoader class. This is the same approach I’ve taken with my own AIR application, Brush Manager, which is authored in Flash CS4 Professional. Being completely ActionScript based, the same code should be able to be used in the Flex environment (maybe with very few modifications for public and private identifiers). HTML/JavaScript based applications should be able to use a similar approach, if the ads aren’t already integrated completely into the code base for the app.